I have been teaching theater since I was 15 . I started as a Teaching Artist Assistant at Stages Theater Co. in Hopkins, Minnesota.
For me, teaching theater is so much more than creating good performers. Theater and arts education can create more confident, empathetic, and well rounded people.
More recently I have taught at:
After School Actives Partnerships (ASAP)
During the Summer of 2024, I worked as an intern at After School Activities Partnerships or ASAP. I worked with ASAP in collaboration with Comic Writers to help plan their 2024-2025 Drama programming called “Bringing the inside… Out!”. I also worked on an independent project for ASAP creating a video library of theater games tutorials for kids ages 5-17 for teachers through Philly's public schools to use as a resource. I directed this shoot that filmed over the course of two days at Pig Iron Studios with the help of 12 incredible Philly based actors and teaching artists.
I assisted Rosey Hay in the teaching of kids in grades 9-12 the basic fundamentals of acting techniques such as tactics, objectives, moment before, and basic audition techniques.
UArts Pre-College Acting
Hurricane Diane by Madeleine George is about the Greek god Dionysus aka a butch lesbian permaculture gardener named Diane - who has returned to earth to restore the planet to its natural state and save humanity from climate change. To do this, Diane goes to Monmouth County, New Jersey to recruit four suburban housewives to become her acolytes, and perform a Bacchic ritual to save humanity. As Diane seduces Carol, Pam, Renee, and Beth, she begins to understand how and why humans continue to ignore the catastrophic effects of the climate crisis.
I directed this piece during my semester abroad in London at Rose Bruford during the fall semester of my Junior year of college. This was my first time directing!
The Retirement Home for Canadian Boyfriends was originally called The Retirement Home for Canadian Girlfriends, but I decided to put a twist on it to better fit my actors strengths. It is a 10 minute play I did as a final project in my Directing 1 class at UArts Junior year. In my version, Timmy (originally Tiffany) finds herself suddenly in the middle of the Canadian woods at a cozy cabin with Ruby (originally Rupert) the Retirement homes orientation coordinator. Timmy discovers he was willed into existence by a closeted woman so he could be used as a cover. Timmy decided to make a life of his own and become his own person.
My Temple and my Intimacy Coordinator debut!